Educational Programs

Educational Programs
Educational Programs
Educational leaflet "Monuments are all around us"
Educational leaflet "Monuments are all around us"


MONUMENTA is a non-profit company involved in protecting the natural and architectural heritage of Greece and Cyprus. Its activities include interventions aimed at protecting monuments, historic buildings and the landscape; research and educational programmes; and awareness-raising activities. The main aim of our educational programmes is to bring students into creative contact with monuments, historic buildings, the history of our cities, the landscape, archives, and intangible heritage. The programmes and activities are designed to be pleasant and attractive for all ages. 

"There are monuments all around us" (ages 10-18)

A programme which explores the meaning of “monument”, “architectural heritage” and “landscape|, and examines the values of monuments and their inseparable relationship with the natural environment, as well as world heritage monuments, the risks they face, and ways in which they can be protected.

"Record an old building, discover its history" (ages 6-18)

A programme focused on the modern architectural heritage of cities and settlements, the process of recording a building, architectural styles, and buildings' micro-histories. 

 "Collecting oral testimonies workshop" (ages 10-18)

A programme about the role oral testimony can play in documenting buildings and the different ways in which people relate to buildings, memory, and a city's identity.

"Document an archive, discover stories" (ages 10-18)

A programme about the importance archives can play in the documentation of buildings and cities, about the stories they have to tell, and how fragile documentation can be protected.

"The game of styles" (ages 8-18)

A programme about architectural styles which aims to familiarize participants with neoclassicism, eclecticism and modernism--the three styles that dominated the buildings of Greece. Searching for the styles included in a building becomes a game through which participants discover the city.

"The architect who loved Athens" (ages 10-18)

A project about the life and work of the architect and researcher Kostas Biris, who worked for the City of Athens before and after World War Two and played a role in moulding the appearance of the city we know today.

The programs include various activities and tours which schools can opt for if they wish to add further depth to the above programmes. 

Activity I: A monument in danger 

Activity II: Recording local buildings 

Activity III: Recording and exploring our school

Activity IV: The city as a museum, the building as an exhibit

Activity V: I record my School's Archive and Collection 

Activity VI: "In Athens before and after the 1821 Revolution, with MONUMENTA"

Tours of historic buildings and monuments are offered in various neighbourhoods around Athens and beyond. They last one or two hours 

and are adapted to the given age group. For examples, in Athens, we run tours in Kypriadis, Plaka, Psirri, Kolonos, Viktoria Square, the historic refugee quarter of Nea Filadelfeia and Kountouriotika, Psychiko, and elsewhere. Some of the tours are thematic (educational buildings, neoclassical buildings, modern buildings, etc.)


The programmes are run by MONUMENTA associates or by teachers equipped with an educational pack we send to the school.

The educational activities are adapted to the school, historic buildings and neighbourhoods. 

Duration: one or two teaching hours

Printed or electronic educational material is provided to the students.

The programmes are implemented by specialists in the fields of archaeology, architecture, history and museum education.

The programmes and activities for students have a small cost.

At MONUMENTA's request, the educational programmes were approved by the Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years.

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